If your child or loved one has autism it’s easy to focus on the negative things. Extra challenges. Special education. Sensory issues. Social delays.
It’s good to know about the issues your kid has and how to help them. At the same time only doing that gives you tunnel vision. You only see the bad side of autism. And these challenges really aren’t bad.
Have you ever taken time to focus on the positive traits of autism? You probably see many gifts in your child. The cool thing with autism is that some of these gifts are only unique to ASD and most other people don’t have them!
Let’s take a moment to look at the bright side of autism and how these gifts can be used in everyday life. Here are the top 10 positive traits of autism!
Great Attention To Detail
It’s amazing the things kids with autism notice that we usually overlook. Patterns on the floor. The way sunlight reflects a rainbow. They take in information through detail!
Kids with this trait makes them correct and precise! There are many opportunities to apply this gift in life. Attention to detail helps people be good musicians, artists, cooks and computer programers! There are a lot more ways kids can use attention to detail for good.
Kids who are analytical are good at noticing patterns and repetition. They are very patient as they analyze information and detail.
Using this methodical approach helps children grow to be excellent researchers, mathematicians and problem solvers!
Thinking outside the box is a great trait for kids with autism. It gives them a unique thought process to everyday problems. It brings creativity to many solutions.
Being innovative helps others see that there is more than one way to get things done.
Focused Observation
Because kids pay attention to detail they are obviously focused. They have the ability to concentrate and drown out distractions. They are great at finding facts.
Children with this trait can be excellent students. They also become great experts in their areas of high interest!
Kids with autism have great imaginations! They come up with the best ideas when it comes to pretend play and expressing themselves. Children often crave creative outlets.
The creative trait helps kids be excellent artists and crafters. They also are skilled in drama and acting.
Determined kids don’t give-up and that’s a good thing! When faced with obstacles children with autism keep working hard to get over the challenges. The fact that kids on the spectrum have more difficulties than others they have greater success at beating the odds!
Not giving up is an excellent trait to have when it comes to playing sports. Losing can be hard, but with a lot of practice you can get better and better!
Easily Accepts Others
Where some people notice differences and make judgements, kids with autism don’t always pick up on those things. This in-turn helps them accept differences.
This trait is helpful to have when making friends. Kids are loyal to their friends and don’t care if someone is not a certain way. It helps others feel welcome and appreciated.
Kids with autism aren’t afraid to tell you what they think. They can be bold and frank with their comments. This is a form of honesty! Honest children don’t worry about the consequences for telling the truth, they just do it.
People can always gain something from honesty. Honest kids gain trust and respect from others.
With great focus and attention detail comes the ability to gain knowledge. Kids with autism are excellent studiers and become experts in many topics. They are always eager to share their findings with others too.
An expert kid is a great trait to have when it comes to school and work. People can take pride in knowing how to do their job well and being a great student. Kids with this trait will be sought after because they know so many facts!
Lives In The Moment
Kids with autism often don’t worry about tomorrow or dwell on the past. This is a very freeing trait to have! Living in the moment offers great opportunities to enjoy things as they are as they happen. Many people strive to live in the moment, but kids with this trait don’t have to.
Every child with autism is unique. Some have one of these traits. Some have all. Most have several.
What do you see in your child? When you focus on their positive traits and how they can use them it makes having autism special.
These top 10 positive traits of autism will help you focus on the gifts and talents of your child and see their potential!
Elizabeth Purpero is a licensed school counselor and licensed professional counselor-in-training. She has her master’s in counseling psychology. Elizabeth has worked as an autism therapist with children and teens. During her career, she has worked in intensive at-home therapy programs utilizing ABA and play therapy along with OT and speech therapy techniques. She has also worked as a mental health therapist helping clients address their mental health issues as it relates to autism. Elizabeth’s background working with the autism community has greatly helped her work with students in schools too. She has helped teachers implement effective strategies, create goals for IEP’s and make classrooms more sensory-friendly. Mark Twain once said, “Write what you know about,” and Elizabeth enjoys writing about autism-related topics and providing additional resources to help those impacted by autism.